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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Evolution of Wilder PR and our ads...

I was speaking to Mahala and we were thinking about how our ads have changed since the beginning of Wilder. We decided to upload a few old ads to show our humble beginnings until now. Our very first ad was made by my beautiful talented little sister Angelique Ronmark when she first started enjoying photography. Now she works for AVENUE Magazine as a top photographer! Our second ad was built by one of the nicest gentleman in SL Micha Rydell, of SL Enquirer. That was when I came up with "Strategy is Everything," and it seems to have lasted lol. Our third ads were made by the awesome team lead by Ammon Pera of InV website which at the time was Invogue Hommes Magazine. Our fourth ads were made by Irrie Ember the great the owner of IME designs. Our last set were made by Cherie Parker the fabulous well known photographer in SL making the photography world a beautiful place. Take a look and see how we've changed. Enjoy!

Annette Wilder, Owner
Wilder Public Relations Firm Inc.™ / MAHALA WEBDESiGNS™