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Sunday, June 7, 2009

Ansleigh's Corner

Undoubtedly one of the most renowned and well-known American architects, Frank Lloyd Wright once said: “I know the price of success: dedication, hard work, and an unremitting devotion to the things you want to see happen.”

Here at Wilder Public Relations, we could not agree more. We are constantly striving to raise the bar in terms of customer service, professionalism, and positive results on all the jobs we do. We are continually innovating new methods to improve the efficiency and outcome of our efforts, thus providing our clients the utmost satisfaction. The myriad of testimonials we have garnered over the course of time show again and again our enduring commitment both to what we do and to our loyal customers who make it all possible.

Frank Lloyd Wright was a champion of what is known as organic architecture: a design philosophy stressing harmony between nature and human habitation. If you are familiar with one of Wright’s most famous designs, Fallingwater, then you have seen this philosophy at work. Falling water is built on the side of a mountain, over a river, yet when you look at it; it barely seems to interrupt the landscape at all. Wright and others who followed this philosophy wanted to see architecture work with the site it was built on, to see it become a part of the site, part of nature itself.

At Wilder, we follow our own version of this philosophy. We want merely to enhance what our clients already have to offer. They come first, and they are the ones that shine. We will get the word out, draw the attention, make a buzz, but in the end it is our very talented clients and what they have done that is what you will remember. Our goal is to be a part of our clients’ overall marketing strategy, not an outside party. We strive to know the ins and outs of every business we work with so that we can help our clients meet their own personal goals. This dedication has served us well so far, and that is why we will continue to keep it up.

Wilder’s definition of success is to be the best, and it is to that goal that we hold an unremitting devotion. It is with that goal in mind that we select and undertake each new job. It is with that goal in mind that we labor endlessly to better the work that we do. And it is with that goal in mind that we are ever striving to improve and perfect our company as a whole.

We realize we would never have come so far and we would have no future if it were not for our wonderful friends, clients, and colleagues. As we reaffirm our mission and prepare for what wonderful things our future holds for us, we would like to take the time to thank each and every one of you most fervently for contributing to making Wilder PR the success that it is today. We look forward to having you with us as our company grows.

It is amazing what an inspiration a work of art and the philosophy behind it can be. I encourage all of you to look up Frank Lloyd Wright’s work if you are not familiar with it. If architecture isn’t your thing, you might try finding out more about your favorite art piece, or maybe even your favorite song or movie. If you’re interested in something more virtual, our talented client Mami Jewell has just launched a new line of bridal wear, just in time for all of those June weddings. Each of her pieces is a work of art in itself, and definitely worth a look at. As you well know, there is an abundance of talent and ingenuity in Second Life, and the things accomplished here are indeed inspirational. Take some time to check out what’s going on, who knows; maybe it will give you a new perspective or an idea of your own to work with. There’s no limit to what we can imagine and create, maybe a fresh new look will give you the push to get started, or- if you already have- maybe a spark to get you going in a new direction. No matter what, I hope you have the best of luck!

Wishing you only the best,
Ansleigh Beverly
Administrative Assistant, Wilder PR