(click photo for better view)
Secondnights is pleased to launch its special Venue Contest.
Secondnights.com will launch its new photo contest where contestants who would like to participate will do so by sending in great shots of the wonderful, creative, and entertaining world of SL. Remember, we only want to see amazing photos which feature venues from the Secondnights Venue List. Your entries can consist of pictures of fabulous parties, awesome fashion shows, dances, live performances by singers or bands, cool locations, and any interesting creative event or location that you can find on our list of venues. If you would like to accept this challenge we invite you to participate and show us what you can come up with. You will be allowed to take your shots during the venue's event or wait till after the event is over and use the location with models of your choice.
* The shots must be taken in High Resolution and with a width of almost 4000pxl (height proportional). On the site you can post an image of about 1200pxl of width max. We ask that you use high resolution because if your photo will be used for the magazine it is required. We accept edited and not edited photos.
Simone Peterman - Secondnights Manager
Dafne Watanabe - Secondnights Manager
SebCaen Ulysses - Secondnights Manager
Maryna Wind - Sl Uncover
Rusch Raymaker/Jesika Contepomi - Avenue
Ananda Valeeva - InnerWorld Magazine
Patty Cortes - Glance International Agency
A. Choose a Location from the Secondnights Venue list on the site - http://www.secondnights.com/cms/index.php?option=com_eventlist&view=venues&Itemid=54
B. Create your amazing shots.
C. Send all the photos you want entered to our website. http://www.secondnights.com/cms/index.php?option=com_phocagallery&view=category&id=29&Itemid=126
D. Judges will choose the best 3 photos as winners
E. Judge will also choose 8 other photo entries to create a special publication created by Secondnights which will feature reviews of the venues chosen for photos.
All 12 finalists must have photos that are high quality in order for a magazine to be created.
Once all photos are sent in the judges will narrow their favorites down to 12 finalists. Once all 12 finalists are chosen we are able to choose the 3 winners (8 point to the first, 7 to the second, 6 to the third, ...)
Magazine Unveiling FINAL ACT
December 4th or 5th, 2009 there will be a party and the special magazine will be revealed for all of SL to see. More information on the party will be released at a later time.
1st place
• $5,000L
• BeCasual gift Card $1250l value + MICHA MI Gift Card $1250l value + JLDesigns Gift Card $1000l value + PACADI Jasha Gift Card $1250l value
• An artist review on Secondnights website
• An artist review on the special magazine created by Secondnights
• Flickr set on our page on Flickr
2nd place
• $3,000L
• BeCasual gift Card $850l value + MICHA MI Gift Card $850l value + JJLDesigns Gift Card $500l value + PACADI Jasha Gift Card $850l value
• An artist review on Secondnights website
• Flickr set on our page on Flickr
3rd place
• $1,500L
• BeCasual gift Card $450l value + MICHA MI Gift Card $450l value + JLDesigns Gift Card $250l value + PACADI Jasha Gift Card $450l value
• An artist review on Secondnights website
**If we decide that the quality of the 12 finalists photos will not be good enough to create a quality magazine we reserve the rights to give only prizes and have no obligation to make a magazine.
By submitting your entries you give Secondnights.com all the rights to publish them in the magazine if your photo is chosen. Secondnights will credit the author with the full name in all media where the photo will be used (web, magazine, SL, posters).