Ora Trei Designs
11 February 2010
For Immediate ReleasePR Contact: Ansleigh Beverly, Wilder Public Relations Firm Inc. for Ora Trei Designs
Re: Store Closing Sale
This week Wilder Public Relations prepares to bid farewell to our client Potnia Theas, and residents grid-wide prepare to see the end of one of the most innovative and creative brands in Second Life.
Ora Trei Designs will close its doors Wednesday, February 17, 2010. Until then, Potnia has placed
everything in the main store at a price of $L100 or less as a thank you to her customers. We hope you’ll visit her fabulous sim one last time to show her your support and to say goodbye.
Potnia Theas has accomplished much during her time in Second Life. She was introduced to this virtual world via a real-life friend and almost immediately set out to make something of herself. After acquainting herself with the platform and learning about the many different facets that make it so versatile, Potnia made her first foray into fashion with the clothing line “Urban Funeral”. With its unique urban gothic and Harajuku styled designs, Urban Funeral brought Potnia her first taste of success. During this time, Potnia also completed her associate’s degree in real life. Riding high on successes in both lives, Potnia decided to challenge herself to creating a more couture SL label.
Thus, in February of 2009, Ora Trei Designs was born. Since then, Potnia has worked tirelessly to provide residents of Second Life with stunning, cutting edge designs in a wide array of styles and themes. There is something for everyone at Ora Trei, and Potnia, along with her executive director Kat Msarko, have made the service and satisfaction of their customers top priority. With a special VIP section with discounted fashions, weekly gifts for group members, and sales and hunts, Ora Trei’s loyal consumer base has been well tended. Potnia acknowledges that it is her supporters that make her a success, and that the consideration she gives them serves to enrich her designs. Ora Trei is Romanian for 3 O’clock, and Potnia has described this as a reference to time and trinity and relates it to the traits of perseverance, practice, and patience, which she rates highly.Her work is the embodiment of these traits and her attention to them has clearly paid off, as evidenced by the many awards and honors Potnia has received in her short career.
Though this may be the end of Ora Trei, it is merely the beginning for Potnia and the wonderful things she has yet to accomplish. Ever growing, Potnia now turns her attentions to the real life ambitions of furthering her education and career. Second Life has been fortunate to see a small portion of Potnia’s talent through her designs in-world, and we know that this only foreshadows the great things she will accomplish in the future. We wish her the best of luck in all she does, and we are confident that she will be successful in anything she puts her fabulous mind to. At Wilder Public Relations Firm, we’re proud to name Potnia as one of our clients and honored to call her our friend. We know there are great things in store for her, and we cannot wait to hear about them. We encourage all of you to bravely pursue your goals as Potnia is, for we have faith in the great minds that make up our virtual world and know that among us there is amazing and unlimited potential.
As always, we extend our deepest gratitude to all of our clients, colleagues, and friends for their support of Wilder Public Relations. You have given us success that we never could have imagined, and we can never thank you enough.
Wishing you only the best,
Ansleigh Beverly
Office Manager, Wilder Public Relations
Date: 11 February 2010-17 February 2010
Venue: Nova Lux
http://slurl.com/secondlife/Nova%20Lux/180/194/35 Ora Trei Designs Blog:
http://oratreidesigns.blogspot.comMedia may also contact Wilder PR by e-mail:
wilderprinc@gmail.comTo learn more about Wilder PR visit our website:
http://www.wilderpublicrelationsfirminc.com© A WILDER PR INC. PRESS RELEASE FEBRUARY 2010