Click on the image to visit our NEW IMPROVED website!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Wilder is doing so many wonderful jobs and working with some really great people. I am so proud of the work Ansleigh and I are doing and the people we are honored to meet on our PR travels. Ansleigh has done a wonderful job revamping our plain boring website to its NEW IMPROVED STATE and we are getting great responses. I decided since I'm getting into photography I would make our new logo. I'm excited that we are moving upward and onward with many new exciting things enroute. Stay tuned for more! Thank you all for continuing to help us grow. Also we are getting great response to our assistant position we are hiring. Keep the applications coming to Ansleigh Beverly, we look forward to interviewing you all! For information on how to apply read my profile information and teleport to the Wilder board to get application, fill out, and send to Ansleigh. Remember only applications sent to Ansleigh Beverly will be considered for the position.

Annette Wilder, Owner, Wilder Public Relations Firm Inc.™